

A list of stories and works that provided influences and inspiration for the project and set the tone for the writing. If you like any of these, why not write for Thereamid?

Books (Fiction)

Lilith by George MacDonald?
Phantasies by George MacDonald?
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell(external link) by Susanna Clarke
The Dragons of Babel(external link) by Michael Swanwick
Anansi Boys(external link) by Neil Gaiman

Books (Non-fiction)

Vanishing people : fairy lore and legends by Katharine Briggs


Gunnerkrigg Court(external link)


Coroline(external link)

Contributors to this page: admin and Writer .
Page last modified on Monday 09 of May, 2011 12:58:30 CDT by admin.

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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike? License
Faerie Courts? Copper
Glamour? Copper
Glamour? Fae
Great Migration? Copper
Great Migration? Fae
Great Migration? Sycamore
In-Character? CommunityGuide
Lady of the Towers? Fae
MacDonald? Inspiration
Manheim? Otherworld
Oisin? TheSetting
Out-Of-Character? CommunityGuide
Shapings? The Lighted Path
ShareAlike? License
Skinchangers? Fae
StoryGuide_Willow? Willow
The Long Lady? The Lighted Path
TheWoadWalkerAbroad? ElfLight
Trees? Sycamore
Trees? Willow
Woad Walker? ElfLight
pixies? Fae