Ariel's Crossing

Escaping the Woods

Published by Ariel on 2011-04-14

I was pretty freaked out by this point. I can honestly say that I had never expected to be lost in those weirdly twilit woods and being stalked by trees. Every rustling noise, every moving branch, made me jump. I was convinced that the willow tree was following me, but I had lost sight of the first willow tree. Any of the trees around me could be on its side.

Now that I was getting used to the light, I thought that I could find my way back to where I started. The shadows that the moon was casting gave me something to orient myself by. I wasn't sure where I was, but things had started to go weird since I crawled under that tree.

The way back was through thick brambles that I didn't remember, but I was so glad to see that first tree again, the one with the moon in its branches. The little cave beneath its roots was invisible in the shadows, but I knew where it was and I gratefully flung myself down and crawled inside. I didn't stop until I was sure that I was out of reach.

It was dark in there, like I expected. As my eyes adjusted I saw that there was a mark carved in the stone floor of the tight crawlspace. Three straight lines and a curve. The hair on my arms prickled. This meant something. It was like tracing the outline of memory.

I looked around again, curious about this place. The floor was sloped, the space getting darker the higher I looked. I hadn't paid much attention to it before, but this wasn't a natural space. Someone or something had carved it out of stone and earth.

That was when I figured out that there were two exits. I hadn't realized it before, but I had entered the tiny cave from one direction and left it going downwards. On my knees, I felt my way through the darkness, finding the place where the crawlspace lead up out of the tight chamber and out into the night air. Standing up, I tried to brush the dirt off of my shirt with my hopelessly grubby hands. I breathed the cold air, looked up at the signs of dawn on the horizon, and then started home.

I had been out all night, apparently. I upset my mother again when I had to knock on the back door for her to let me in. She hadn't realized that I had left last night, and I sort of pretended that I had just wandered out in the morning, without really saying it outright. She didn't ask any questions, but I don't know if she really believed me or just didn't want to press for an answer.

I went up to my room, but I wasn't feeling sleepy despite having been out all night. I think that that other place somehow caused me to skip ahead a few hours. It sure didn't feel like I was gone all that long.


The sensation of lost time is actually pretty unreliable. Most people can't tell time very well, and can easily trick themselves into thinking that they must have lost something when they merely forgot what they had been doing.

Always the skeptic.

Well, so far you haven't actually seen anything that couldn't be explained by your overactive imagination. And I already knew that you definitely have an overactive imagination.

Wow! Walking trees!

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